Comments on: detour coffee a Hamilton blog Sun, 21 Oct 2012 15:51:03 +0000 hourly 1 By: seema seema Wed, 22 Feb 2012 19:50:08 +0000 Thanks so much Marie! There is definitely plenty to explore in Hamilton and its surrounding areas. I've really been enjoying getting reacquainted with the city, and discovering a lot of things about Hamilton that I never knew about. Thanks for reading! Thanks so much Marie! There is definitely plenty to explore in Hamilton and its surrounding areas. I’ve really been enjoying getting reacquainted with the city, and discovering a lot of things about Hamilton that I never knew about. Thanks for reading!

By: Marie Dynes Marie Dynes Wed, 22 Feb 2012 04:40:23 +0000 Just read about your web site, and find it absolutely wonderful. I grew up in Hamilton's northend and westend, and now live in Dundas, but long time ago I used to wander the streets and alleys looking for an adventure. You have brought back that urge to wander for me, and I will be out once again this year looking for new adventures in our city. Your passion for what you do shines through, so please don't stop. Just read about your web site, and find it absolutely wonderful. I grew up in Hamilton’s northend and westend, and now live in Dundas, but long time ago I used to wander the streets and alleys looking for an adventure. You have brought back that urge to wander for me, and I will be out once again this year looking for new adventures in our city. Your passion for what you do shines through, so please don’t stop.
