2 years + lee fields

July 1st is our official 2 year mark of being Hamiltonians.  After the Canada Day fireworks at Bayfront Park we went to This Ain’t Hollywood to check-out the sounds of the one and only Lee Fields and his 7 piece funk/soul band The Expressions.

Bayfront Park fireworks, Canada Day, July 1st 2011, Lee Fields, funk, soul music, This Ain't Hollywood, Hamilton

The show was fantastic.  Lee Fields has clearly been around a while, although this was the first I had heard of him.  His voice is phenomenal, and I would even be so bold as to say he rivals the funk and soul classic Mr. James  Brown.

Lee Fields LP, vinyl, record, soul, funk music, Let's Get A Groove On, 1999



*This Ain’t Hollywood,  345 James St. North, Hamilton, 905.529.9500



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