
Tonight’s art crawl will feature a super cool exhibit called Zoo at Loose Canon Gallery.  I’m plugging this exhibit not only because Steve has work in this show, but also because there are some sickeningly talented artists that are part of the show too.

zoo art exhibit at Loose Canon Gallery, Hamilton James north art crawl, steve newberry, jacqui oakley, jamie lawson, dushan milic, kyle reed, jen hsieh, dan brandon

Loose Canon, James north art crawl, Hamilton galleries, zoo art show,

Jacqui and Jamie hanging the signage for Zoo at Loose Canon Gallery.

Jacqui Oakley and Jamie Lawson are the curators of this show, and are also unbelievably amazing artists, whose work will be exhibited in this show.

Here’s a little sample of some of their work.

Jonah & The Whale by artist Jamie Lawson, zoo, Hamilton, James north art crawl, Loose Canon gallery

Jonah & The Whale -Jamie Lawson

Image from: jamielawsondesign.com

Jacqui Oakley, illustrator

woodpecker illustration -Jacqui Oakley

Image from:  jacquioakley.com This link will take  you Jacqui’s website, where she details some of her processes in doing this beautiful illustration (so much work to do behind the scenes!)


*Loose Canon Gallery, 150 James St. north, Hamilton

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2 Responses to “zoo”

  1. Jacqui says:

    Thanks so much for the post Seema! Looking forward to seeing you & Steve’s rabbits tonight.

  2. seema says:

    Jacqui, great show and turn out last night! I want to get a giclee from you. I also want to giggle anytime I say giclee.

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