I’ve always loved the corner of Walnut and King.  It’s home to some beautiful old buildings that are in great condition, well maintained, and in the recent past have previously been vacant. However…

MODify Your Closet, Hamilton, King St. vintage & consignment clothing shop

Last fall I was over the moon to see the consignment shop MODify Your Closet open up right on that block. I remember the very day it opened it because I basically ran right in.  The physical store space itself is gorgeous.  Owner Melanie McArthur and store manager Ally Amato renovated the space themselves stripping it back down to it’s  bare bones -original wood floors, and tin 14 foot high ceilings.  Pretty much restoring the 100 year old+ building to it’s primordial state.

MYC now carries men’s wear too along with a great selection of carefully selected men’s & women’s shoes, clothes, vintage ties, with a huge collection of women’s accessories from hats, scarves and belts down to clutches and purses.

50's vintage dress, MODify Your Closet, Hamilton, King St. clothing store

vintage red suitcase, Modify Your Closet, Hamilton, vintage & consignment clothing store

mens vintage shoes, MODify Your Closet, Hamilton, consignment & vintage clothing store

men's summer hat, vintage, Modify Your Closet, Hamilton, clothing store

I regularly peak in and peruse the choice selection of vintage and gently used designer finds.  With every season change the ladies at MYC put on some fantastic sales of up to 50-70% off nearly everything in the store.  I’ve found some amazing steals, and will boast my purchase of 2 denim rompers (because 1 is never enough!), a super cute red and white polka-dot shirt and an adorably sexy black dress ALL for a total of $48!

Another recent addition to the collection of great finds at this store is the vintage pyrex cookware.  Love it!

pyrex vintage dishes, MOdify Your Closet, Hamilton

For more information about this great consignment store read The Hamilton Spectator article about MODify Your Closet  here.


*203 King St. east, Hamilton, Ontario, 905.522.2229, M-F 10-6, S 12-5

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