Oh, Paris… Paris, Ontario that is. A few weeks back Steve and I stopped by the small town of Paris, Ontario. The town is 160 years old and is at the cross section of two major southern Ontario rivers; the Grand River, and the Ninth River.
Although Paris is beautiful, it is not, as one might think, named after la belle ville de Paris because of its notable elegance and beauty. In fact, the town of Paris, Ontario actually bares no resemblance or connection to Paris, France whatsoever. Its name actually came to be as a result of the large amounts of gypsum found in the area, which is used in the making of plaster of Paris. It is also the location of where the first long distance telephone call was received by Alexander Graham Bell.
Oh, Paris you do not cease to amaze me!
Spring time in Paris as the sign connotes would be beautiful. But I would chance a guess that fall in Paris, Ontario would be just as picturesque. The river is lined with trees, and is banked with a row of old buildings that overlook the Grand. I remember when I took the train in to visit Steve at his artist residency in Windsor going by Paris and thinking to myself that I definitely wanted to stop through this charming town.
If you do ever find your way to Paris, Ontario in fall, spring or summer, you can rent a canoe or kayak and do some river cruising, while enjoying the scenery. There are also the rail trails that extend from Hamilton to Brantford and then Brantford to Paris. I saw a lot of bikers on the Paris rail trail as we made our way out of town.
One of the best parts of our trip to Paris were the treats! I had a black cherry ice-cream from the ice-cream shop across from the Canadian Tire that had been retrofitted into a historic old building (why can’t more cities do this!). We picked up some sweet and delicious treats form the Paris Bakery for the road.
Then we went for a coffee at the Brown Dog Coffee and Frittery.
Yes, yes you can! You can get apple fritters, cheese cake fritters, and a banana split fritter!
Fresh apple fritters! What a fantastic fall treat. Coincidentally the city of Waterdown as of September 23rd will be home to the 2nd 3rd Brown Dog Coffee & Frittery. So this means that I’m just that much closer to having fresh apple fritters paired with super amazing coffee on a more regular basis. Mmmmm.
*Brown Dog Coffee Shoppe & Frittery, 63 Grand River St., Paris, ON, 519.302.0722
*Brown Dog Coffee Shoppe & Frittery, 312 Dundas St., Waterdown, ON.