Monthly Archives: October 2011

costume inspiration

Halloween is rapidly approaching and as usual I am scrambling to put together a costume.

Luckily I came across some easy DIY inspiration!

I cut out the wings today, and tomorrow will start working on the feathers made from random scraps of left over fabric.  Crossing my fingers it will all work out, as this will be one of few attempts for some basic sewing on my part.

costumes, bird wings, easy to make wings, DIY

DIY, wings, easy costume, kids, scrap fabric, halloween costume

These bird wings are pretty adorable aren’t they?

schools out forever

What is up with all the downtown Hamilton schools that have been sold off, boarded up, and demolished?  It seems like there are more schools sold and closed than I can count on my two hands.  There’s the Stinson Street School, coincidently bought and recently redeveloped by Harry Stinson, who by the way developed the infamous Candy Factory Lofts, which spearheaded the urban revitalization on Queen west in Toronto way back in 1993.  For the most part I’m happy to see when gorgeous buildings in Hamilton, like the Stinson School, remain intact and are simply refurbished for their new life as lofty living spaces.

Of the downtown Hamilton schools that have closed there’s Scott Park, 220 Dundurn, Allenby, Tweedsmuir, Robert Land, Gibson,  and Fairfield schools, all of which were sold by the public board since amalgamation in 1998 (and those are just the ones downtown!).  I know that this partially reflects the declining enrollment that many school boards across Ontario are seeing, but I also think it has something to say about the expansion of new subdivision continued urban sprawl, and flight to the suburbs, which are now all part of the larger amalgamated Hamilton.

I’ve had the pleasure of visiting a few of these schools after their sale from the board, while they’ve been in transition between owners.

One rainy day I visited the old Gibson school.  It was a little eerie walking into all the empty classrooms, many of which had little reminders and remnants of its former life as a full on school.

I love the old school buildings in Hamilton.  I have a sentimental feeling associated with them, mostly because they are beautiful but also because I feel like they just don’t make buildings as grand anymore.

It can be really sad to see such beautiful old schools emptied, abandoned and boarded up.  I really hope that this school gets put to good use, and some life gets put back into it.  Smashed and boarded up windows really does nothing for the moral of a neighbourhood and city.

*Old Gibson School, 601 Barton St. east, Hamilton


33 ain’t bad

For a really long time I had been wanting to go to South Sea Chinese restaurant on Ottawa St.  Usually I can’t make it past the South Sea signage without stopping to peer and sometimes even gawk through the front windows.  The restaurant is stuck in a majorly wicked time warp.  Chinese taverns like this really bring me back to Chinese restaurants from my youth (they have the Chinese zodiac paper placemats and everything!).  This particular restaurant has been around for 28 years and probably has not changed much since the day it first opened.

As a special treat for my 33rd birthday we decided to indulge in a nostalgic  culinary and atmospheric journey of  true Chinese Canadian cuisine as it would’ve been circa 1983.  If you want chicken balls, egg rolls, fried rice, honey garlic spareribs, and chow mein; just some good ol’ classic North American Chinese you can’t go wrong with South Sea.  Who knows how long restaurants of this era will stick around for?  I feel like they’re quickly becoming vintage relics of their own kind.  If you’re interested in learning more about the unique history of Chinese restaurants in small towns across Canada (there’s basically at least 1 Chinese restaurant in every town no matter how small!) then you should pick up Eating Chinese: Culture on the Menu in Small Town Canada.  Author Lily Cho can give you the real historic low down.


What girl doesn’t love sparklers on their birthday!?  After South Sea Steve suggested we have a tea out back, and then he busted out the sparklers!  This was still during the lovely and unusually warm fall nights from about a week back, so it was just about the most perfect and beautiful way to end the celebrations of my 33rd birthday. Thanks Steve!


*South Sea Restaurant, 282 Ottawa St. north, Hamilton, 905.545.0352

art crawl tonight!

October’s art crawl is on tonight from 7-10pm!

I wanted to share some photos of the last art crawl before the Supercrawl, which was a busy one too.

The Friendship building was a buzz with the Beehive Craft Collective’s Craft Fair, and the galleries were packed and filled with hot summer air,  the streets were full and everyone was enjoying a gorgeous summer night.  It seems so long ago, now that the weather has really turned to fall.

Beehive Collective, Summer Craft Fair, old Friendship Gift Shop,
Beehive Craft Collective Summer Craft Fair window display
You Me Gallery Exhibit August, 2011, 330 James St. north, art crawl

You Me Gallery Exhibit in August

mini colourful hand windmills, You Me Gallery, exhibit James north art crawl, August 2011


fall fairs

We went to the Rockton World’s Fair over the weekend.  It was my first experience at a small town agricultural fair, and I absolutely loved it!  This year marked the 169th year of the Rockton Fair with its first fair ever held October of 1852.  The 169th year of the fair brought with it some robust livestock from sheep (of multiple varieties) to baby chicks, beehives, cows, horses, ducks, geese and other fowl.  The day was a surreal picture perfect fall day with sunshine, blue skies, square dancing, apple cider, candy apples, homemade deep fried donuts, demolition derbys (I can’t believe I missed the mini van mash up derby!) and the classic midway.

Agriculture is the highlight of the fair and education of agriculture is our objective.

The objective was accomplished. There were many blue ribbons to be awarded to the livestock owners; ranging from preteens to old breeding pros and legends from the surrounding area.

Rockton World's Fair ground, maple tree, fall, leaves changing,

Rockton World's Fair, fall fair, agricultural fair, dairy, cow,

sheep, livestock, turkey, wool, Rockton World's Fair, fall fair, agricultural fair,

judgin sheep, livestock, Rockton World's Fair, fall fair, agricultural fair

Rockton World's Fair, midway, fall fair, ice-cream truck

Rockton World's Fair, midway, fall fair, ferris wheel,

We made for an early start to the fair and by the time we were headed back the streets and highways leading to the fairgrounds were jammed and at a near standstill.  If you plan on going next year beware of lots of traffic and parking madness especially if you’re heading in time for the lunch time rush.  You could also opt for the multiple free shuttle buses that leave from downtown Hamilton heading straight for the fair.

the new artists inc.

Upon the 36th year of the existence of Hamilton Artists Inc. its new building at the corner of James and Cannon will officially open it’s doors tonight to the public at 7pm!  The building will be home to contemporary exhibits, installations, events and performances.

I’m excited to see what the space is like and to check out the opening exhibit 4  from 6.

Hamilton Artists Inc., art crawl, James St. north, grand opening, 155 James St. north, James & Cannon,

Hamilton Artists Inc. wall during the August art crawl, pre opening.

 Unfinished Interior of Hamilton Artists Inc., new building, 155 James St. North, James & Cannon

HAI Board of Directors inspect the new building


*Hamilton Artists Inc., 155 James St. north, Hamilton, 905.529.3355

hamilton’s best kept secret

The sunny days of fall call for making the most of wide open public spaces on roof tops. I’ve been doing just that on some of these beautiful warm days. On top of Jackson Square in the very heart of downtown is one of the largest probably most underused public spaces in the city.  In some ways I kinda like it that way because it feels like a little secret place right downtown.

roof top tables, on top of Jackson Square

Jackson Square, roof top, public space, Hamilton, Ontario

roof top, public space, Jackson Square, Hamilton, Ontario

public roof top space, Jackson Square, Hamilton, Ontario

Jackson Square, roof top, public space, Hamilton, Ontario

a work in progress

Before and After‘s are my favourite!

I’m happy that I was able to dig up some old photos from 2 years ago, from when we had just moved into our house.

In July we tore down the walls, and then stripped the floors.  There’s still some finishing touches with trim and baseboards that need to be completed.  But for the most part we’re done!  Well almost done with respect to those 2 rooms (there’s still the kitchen, bathroom, and attic).





I can’t believe how far things have come in such a short time.  There’s still a lot to tackle, but for now I can just sit back and enjoy the bright open space that we’ve created on the main floor.  Sighhhh.

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