Although Hamilton is known for being a city of waterfalls (among notably other things) I had only ever been to  Webster’s Falls, and Albion Falls.  I wanted to check out Devil’s Punch Bowl, especially with the backdrop of the changing fall foliage.  So one weekend about a month back we took a little drive to Devil’s Punch Bowl.  It was during one of those unseasonably hot October days, when there hadn’t been any rain for a few weeks, so the waterfall was just a little tiny trickle.  The bowl part was pretty neat (especially if you’re into geology and rock formations).  According to the Hamilton Conservation Authority it is the “only area where one can view such a large vertical display of Ordovician and Silurian stratified rock”.  Wow!  Who knew?

Devils Punch Bowl, Stoney Creek, Fall, escarpment, waterfalls, Hamilton

Just across the way from the fall is a cute little place called the Punch Bowl Country Market. It had a nice spread of baked goods, honey, maple syrup, gourmet mustards, local and seasonal fruit, and prepared homemade food items.  There was also a fine selection of novelty “nostalgic” children’s toys, perfect for a cute little gift. AND they sell my favourite kind of pop; Boylan‘s Black Cherry and Boylan’s birch root soda pop!  It was a perfect little repose from punch bowl viewing before heading back downtown.

Punch Bowl Country Market, 136 Ridge Road, Stoney Creek

gourds, Punch Bowl Country Market, 136 Ridge Road, Stoney Creek

Punch Bowl Country Market, 136 Ridge Road, Stoney Creek, children's toys, nostalgic, vintage, novelty toys

Punch Bowl Country Market, 136 Ridge Road, Stoney Creek, old cash register, antique

boylan's soda pop, Punch Bowl Country Market, 136 Ridge Road, Stoney Creek

*Punch Bowl Country Market, 136 Ridge Road, Stoney Creek, 905.662.1665

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