As much as I dislike cheap forms of laminate “wood” flooring (like the kind that looks like a sticker of wood pasted onto plastic) I do still think that our kitchen looked better with the crappy laminate than it did for the past 4-5 months with the super ugly 1990′s floral laminate tiles that were faded yellow and just gross (Steve would beg to disagree ). I took it upon myself to make an executive decision to paint the tiles a cement grey. I know it is a major painting faux-pas to paint atop plastic tiles as typically it’s difficult for paint to adhere to a surface like laminate, but if the folks at Hindsvik say you can do it, then I believe that it will work!
Ouno Design made it sound soooo easy peasy. The whole thing although not hard, was quite a process.
1. Empty all furniture from the kitchen
2. Sweep, dust, vacuum floors
3. Wash the walls and baseboards -eww they get so dirty behind fridges and ovens
4. Wash the floors (2-3 times with just water, 2-3 times with TSP to get rid of the glossy finish)
5. Sand entire floor & vacuum
6. Wash floors again
7. Paint first coat
8. Wait 24-48 hrs.
9. Paint second coat
10. Wait another 2-3 days before moving any furniture
11. Move all furniture back into kitchen (and start to eat like a normal person who has a functioning kitchen does)
12. Don’t wash floors for 3 weeks!
Hoping to move everything back in tomorrow, and here’s to wishing that the paint sticks to the tiles and doesn’t flake off. I’m crossing my fingers.