valentine’s bake off
Happy Valentine’s Day!
I’m not usually much of a celebrator of Valentine’s Day. Although, the first Valentine’s Day that Steve and I lived together, I sidewalk chalked the Queen Street sidewalk in front of our Toronto apartment with a big I LOVE STEVE. It was pretty cute. This year I baked some Valentine’s Day cookies, mostly because I have been craving something sweet and I’ve had some time on my hands.
I got this recipe from a friend, and it is like a dream! The cookies melt in your mouth, and they are ridiculously easy to make.
I picked up this gorgeous vintage cookie tin on King St. near Walnut, where there are a spattering of antique stores. This particular antique store (next to Sparkle Chinese restaurant) was closing down, so as a result I got the tin for a steal. It might’ve been $2?