Comments on: maps! a Hamilton blog Fri, 12 Apr 2013 18:12:55 +0000 hourly 1 By: Peter Grove Peter Grove Sun, 06 Jan 2013 23:22:25 +0000 Thanks for the kind note about my shop. Please stop by sometime and introduce yourself. I'd be very happy to meet you. Your blog is showing a side of Hamilton I haven't taken the time to see in too long. Cheers Thanks for the kind note about my shop. Please stop by sometime and introduce yourself. I’d be very happy to meet you. Your blog is showing a side of Hamilton I haven’t taken the time to see in too long. Cheers

By: Sam Sam Mon, 16 Apr 2012 19:30:57 +0000 Julie, I had the pleasure of attending Tweetstock007 last week and met Marcus I really think you would really like him and enjoy his book. Check out I think you could do great things with some of his concepts. LOL funny you sounded like me taking about Matt a couple weeks ago in class and our instructor was encouraging us to put together a personal board of directors Matt Jelly he sure made my list. I really dont think he grasps how much he influences others. Let me know when you want those books dropping off:) Hugs, Sam Julie,

I had the pleasure of attending Tweetstock007 last week and met Marcus I really think you would really like him and enjoy his book. Check out I think you could do great things with some of his concepts.

LOL funny you sounded like me taking about Matt a couple weeks ago in class and our instructor was encouraging us to put together a personal board of directors Matt Jelly he sure made my list. I really dont think he grasps how much he influences others.

Let me know when you want those books dropping off:)

By: Susan Braithwaite - Executive Director, International Village BIA Susan Braithwaite - Executive Director, International Village BIA Thu, 12 Apr 2012 19:43:36 +0000 Thank you so much for the kind words about International Village. We are working hard everyday to revitalize this lovely part of downtown with so much potential. The positive vibe happening here motivates me everyday to push forward in that direction. Look for upcoming events like Night in the Village the First Friday Night of each month 7-9pm and Music in the Village every Wednesday and Friday in July and August Noon-2pm at Ferguson Pavilion. Stay tuned to our website. Thank you so much for the kind words about International Village. We are working hard everyday to revitalize this lovely part of downtown with so much potential. The positive vibe happening here motivates me everyday to push forward in that direction.

Look for upcoming events like Night in the Village the First Friday Night of each month 7-9pm and Music in the Village every Wednesday and Friday in July and August Noon-2pm at Ferguson Pavilion.

Stay tuned to our website.

By: Julie H. Gordon Julie H. Gordon Thu, 12 Apr 2012 19:28:37 +0000 Thanks for promoting my store; the photo looks great. Please come in and visit when we open on April 24th. We are having a grand opening party on the evening of May 4, which is also the relaunch of the Night in the Village festivities. Come in for a glass of wine and meet some local authors! Great idea for a blog! I look forward to more posts about our fantastic city. Thanks for promoting my store; the photo looks great. Please come in and visit when we open on April 24th. We are having a grand opening party on the evening of May 4, which is also the relaunch of the Night in the Village festivities. Come in for a glass of wine and meet some local authors!

Great idea for a blog! I look forward to more posts about our fantastic city.
