We finally have CBC in Hamilton in its newest ever format… digital!

Nearly a month ago CBC launched its first ever digital only news station.  Welcome to the digital age and welcome to Hamilton!  The station combines a number of news sources with different social media formats such as the already active #HamOnt Twitter community and local bloggers. Hamilton veterans Paul Wilson (writer of the infamous Hamilton Spectator Streetbeat) and Roger Gillespie (former managing editor of the Hamilton Spector), are part of the small team of Hamilton CBC reporters covering the news here in Hamilton.

Not only is it fabulous to see another news source reporting and supporting Hamilton culture, but it is great to see the CBC presence on the street level too.

CBC Hamilton is officially in their new digs in the former Friendship Gift Shop on James St. North.

I’ve noticed this great logo plastered on bus shelters all over town.

A special treat from the CBC Hamilton opening at the last art crawl.  CBC cupcakes yum!

Its refreshing to see an integrated approach to reporting that interacts with the community from the ground on up.  I’m looking forward to seeing how the CBC presence in Hamilton continues to develop over the years.  Perhaps it will even attract some bigger Hamilton features on CBC Radio and Television.  Or perhaps it may bring CBC guests to the city for special talks or broadcasts.  Tonight Nora Young – host of CBC Radio’s Spark – was in Dundas to do a talk about the “Digital You”.  Seems like a great start so far!

PS. -Thanks CBC Hamilton for the shout-out yesterday in your new feature Best of Digital Hamilton.

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