Comments on: j.h. gordon books a Hamilton blog Fri, 12 Apr 2013 18:12:55 +0000 hourly 1 By: CROSSOVER: APPLEBERRY & BOOKS WITH THIS MUST BE THE PLACE | I Heart Hamilton CROSSOVER: APPLEBERRY & BOOKS WITH THIS MUST BE THE PLACE | I Heart Hamilton Wed, 27 Mar 2013 18:04:36 +0000 [...] Thanks to Seema for joining me for the day. It was a lot of fun and I was happy to connect with a fellow blogger and a new friend. Be sure to check out Seema’s post about the day on her blog in Part One and Part Two. [...] [...] Thanks to Seema for joining me for the day. It was a lot of fun and I was happy to connect with a fellow blogger and a new friend. Be sure to check out Seema’s post about the day on her blog in Part One and Part Two. [...]

By: Sun, 13 Jan 2013 01:56:27 +0000 Thanks for taking time in order to create “j.h. gordon books | this must be the place”. Thanks a ton for a second time -Kelvin Thanks for taking time in order to create “j.h. gordon books
| this must be the place”. Thanks a ton for a second time -Kelvin
