For the past three years Steve and I have made a tradition of heading down to Bayfront Park to watch the fireworks on Canada Day.  It is pretty much the marker of when we made the move from Toronto and officially became Hamiltonians.  I have to say we’ve been here now for three years and I am still happy that we made the decision to move to Hamilton -I haven’t had a single regret.

This year we headed down to Bayfront with a troupe of friends.  We opted for a hassle free evening of fireworks by arriving early and staking out a choice fireworks viewing location, and by coming down to the park car-less to avoid the ridiculous traffic jams post pyrotechnics.  Most of us biked or walked down; packed up with pillows, blankets and food.  Our set-up was quite luxurious and the fireworks like every other year were satisfactorily grand.

bayfront park, Canada Day

July 1st, Canada Day, Fireworks, Bayfront Park, Hamilton

July 1st, Canada Day, Fireworks, Bayfront Park, Hamilton

July 1st, Canada Day, Fireworks, Bayfront Park, Hamilton

Once the fireworks ended there was a massive exodus out of the park.  We all decided to hang-out for a little while until the crowds died down.

Sitting back and watching the park empty, we observed the frenzied way people were packing up and  heading in one direction en masse, it actually seemed eerily apocalyptic.  It made for a great scene and I was able to snap a few beautiful pictures of the lights and silhouettes.

Canada Day, Bayfront Park, Hamilton


With the heat, Canada Day celebrations and fireworks kicking the start of July off it is undeniable that summer is here!


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