the real instagram

The past 9 months have been dedicated to organizing, sorting and purging all in preparation for our little one that’s due to arrive in 4 weeks (ahh!). Thus far we’ve managed to sort through a ton of stuff which has been tough.

Let it be known that Steve and I like to collect things, and by that I mean things that we have carted around with us from place to place (for years) with the hopes of one day fixing, using, or just holding on to for the sake of nostalgia.

Take this polaroid camera for example.

What a beaut!

We had one. It’s now gone (sniffle, wipe tear).  Alas, we had no film for it -whaddya do just keep on holding on simply for its vintage coolness factor?  Yeah -duh.  Well we let it go…

I did come across my Japanese version of a compact polaroid called a Cheki that I picked up while living there about a decade ago.  It still works, and I thankfully still have some film. So it made the “to keep” pile, and I already have plans to put it to good use.

There have been other golden treasures that we’ve sorted through, many of which we’ve kept others which have moved on.  I’ll be sure to continue posting these relics from the past as the organization process continues.

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