
Nine months already seems like forever ago!

It’s amazing how much a body can change and transform to sustain and bring a little being into this world.

I’m happy to say that I’m no longer pregnant and that after much delay our son Omi made it safely out of the womb (no shorter than 12 days past his due date) and into this world.

Now how long will it be until my body bounces back, and more importantly, until I can fit into my fall boots again?

Omi’s happy (when he’s not bawling his eyes out) beautiful and we love him so very, very much.

We love you Omi!!



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4 Responses to “omi”

  1. Jessica says:

    Congratulations!!! What a beauty!

  2. karen says:

    Congrats! He’s so handsome. Are you going to do baby posts?

    • seema says:

      Hi Karen, I’m not entirely sure yet. But I’m thinking along the way there’ll be a few. Saw your latest post on your daughter’s 1st birthday -adorable!

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