
If you haven’t noticed there’s an amazing amount of Hamilton heart throb paraphernalia around this town in the form of T-shirts and tote bags.

For a birthday present this year I got one of my favourite Hamilton tote bags; a Jenna Rose silk-screened linen tote bag of a map of downtown Hamilton.

I’m told that it is a limited edition as Jenna is no longer making them. So get one while you still can at White Elephant.

For an assortment of other Hamilton wears go by Tourism Hamilton (or White Elephant) and you can pick up Russell Gibbs‘ You Can Do Anything In Hamilton tote or T-shirt, or The Print Studio (aka Centre 3) for an array of Hamilton art T-shirts. You can also find T-shirts with Hamilton’s Twitter Hashtag (#HamOnt) made by Best of Hamilton out and about the city, and at Mixed Media you can get a classic TH&B T-shirt too.


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