views from jackson

In the dwindling days of fall I took in some views from the top of Jackson Square’s roof.

Although I’m not the biggest fan of Jackson Square I do frequent it on a regular basis to run errands, and to go to the market and library. Despite its faults and concrete ugliness and the fact that in its construction the city demolished much of Hamilton’s rich Victorian architecture AND Ontario’s largest outdoor market and square, I do have to be fair in saying that it does serve as a walkable destination for me to get out and about with the little one and to get my day-to-day errands done. So I guess I shouldn’t really complain. I should be happy that at least some retail stores have remained downtown (don’t get me wrong there is room for plenty more).

In all actuality Jackson Square in the daytime is quite a hub. With all the office workers, students and loiterers walking and wheeling around Jackson grabbing their coffees and lunches, I’m surprised that other retailers haven’t decided to capitalize on this untapped market further. If I could work downtown, do my shopping, AND get my groceries all in one place during say lunch, on a break or after work, it would be muchos convenient and life changing for us downtown dwellers and for the daytime Hamilton office workers. I love being able to cram errands into a regular work-a-day day without having to get into a car and go from parking lot to parking lot especially with all the madness of the fast approaching Christmas retail rush.

But enough about that.  On days when the market is closed and I don’t feel like walking through the mall or heading down to James, I’ll take in some views from atop Jackson Square. I know I’ve blogged about my love for this vastly underused public space before (click here for that post) but yet again I find myself here and loving the downtown views from this concrete rooftop.

I guess for me the rooftop is one of Jackson Square’s saving graces -can’t wait until the new downtown grocery store opens up too!

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3 Responses to “views from jackson”

  1. Nice shots! I agree: can’t wait til the new grocery store opens. Would also like to see the return of a department store some day. When I first moved to Hamilton, there was an Eaton’s in the City Centre (those days it was called Eatons’ Centre) but it soon closed up. We need a Bay or something like that there again.

  2. seema says:

    Are you planning on becoming a member at the Mustard Seed Co-op grocery store?

    I remember the Eaton’s Centre portion of the mall! It was actually pretty good. When Burlington’s Mapleview Mall didn’t have the GAP I remember coming to shop in the Hammer.

    Were the floors of Jackson Square once carpeted? I seem to remember it being that way as a youth… eww.

  3. I don’t remember carpet but then I only moved here in 97.
    Re the co-op…not sure yet where they are going to be and I don’t drive at all so that will determine if I’d use it or not. Also prices…will be good to have competition though, for sure.

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