a first for everything
This year has been a first for many things; becoming parents, being married and now our very first Christmas tree. Steve and I aren’t crazy Christmas celebrators so we tend to slack in the decorating and yuletide spirit department. There was a lot of talk this year of getting a Charlie Brown inspired Christmas tree foraged from the forest. Instead I did a quick last minute pick up of a mini table-top tree with tree stand and everything. It was easy to transport and seemed to fit with the ease of our non comital Christmas mode.
With a few friends, some popcorn and cranberry garlands were strung. Being a mini tree it was in no time that it was all dolled up and decorated with the Christmas decorations I inherited from my parent’s from when we were kids.
These are two of my favourite glass Christmas balls. I feel like they don’t make them like they used to anymore; so delicate and beautiful.
A very merry Christmas to you all! Can’t wait until Christmas morning to have the traditional Narula Christmas morning feast!

The older ornaments are the best, for sure. I have picked up a few on Ottawa Street, and I think they hold the energy from trees long-past. Have a lovely Yule, this is the time you get to create what traditions work for your family, and what do not. Glad to have you in Hamilton, it is such a ‘work in progress’. [Bought that t-shirt for eldest son, shopping local on Saturday...]